Monday, June 6, 2011

Change a Mac OS X 10.5 password?

I need help getting into an account on the schools network, I have already figured out how to enable and log into the root account so I can access the terminal, I have also learned how to change my password through the terminal providing that I know the previous one. I'm curious if there is a way to dump the hash of a password or something of this sort and decrypt it using something like cain and able.Change a Mac OS X 10.5 password?
I happen to be installing a security update on my Mac in the background so this question really caught my eye. If you could break into a user account on a Mac via network, it would make headlines all over the Internet and Apple would be scrambling to plug that security hole. I hope you find the way to do it but only if the violated person notices what you have done before they lose any valuable info such as financial account passwords or social security number and then goes screaming to the police or Apple or both. That will spur Apple to plug the security hole and I will feel safer.
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